The Ventilated Arborloo Peter Morgan (2023)

The Arborloo is a simple pit toilet using a shallow unlined pit between 1m and 2m deep, depending on soil type and firmness, which is protected at the surface with a ring beam made of concrete or cemented fired bricks. When the excreta is mixed with soil, leaves and ash the pit contents slowly change into a medium in which plants can grow. When the pit is nearly full the toilet superstructure and slab are moved to a new location where a new ring beam with dug pit has been prepared, and the used pit is topped up with soil, preferably fertile soil and a young tree is planted in this soil.

Bibliographic information

Peter Morgan (2023). The Ventilated Arborloo

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Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsFaeces or faecal sludgePractitionersEnglish


Updated Version July 2023 - The Ventilated Arborloo

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The Ventilated Arborloo

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The Ventilated Arborloo

Published in: 2023
Pages: 21


Peter Morgan

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