Siraha municipality is in southern terai region of Nepal. The municipality was restructured in 2016 by merging former village development committees namely Lagadigadiyani, Laxminiya, Samhaitha, lagadigoth and Hakpara in Siraha Municipality. The municipality is divided into 22 political ward boundaries.
The total population of the municipality is 96,543 as per the preliminary report of census 2021. The total population was 98,393 residing in 17,828 households as reported in the WASH profile 2019.
The SFD graphic shows that 60% of the excreta generated are safely managed while 40% of the excreta generated are unsafely managed. The safely managed percentage of FS generated by 60% of the population is temporary until the the tanks and pits become full and FS from the containment is emptied.
ENPHO (2023). SFD (level 2) Report - Siraha Municipality, Nepal ENPHO
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report