Ilam Municipality is in Ilam district, Koshi province of Nepal. The municipality was established in 1958; one of the oldest municipalities in Nepal. It has 12 wards and covers the area of 173.32 sq km. It is surrounded by Maijogmai rural Municipality and Suryodaya Municipality in the east, Sandakpur Municipality and Panchthar Distict in the north, Deumai Municipality in the west, and Mai and Suryodaya Municipalities in the south. According to national population and housing census 2021, Ilam Municipality has a total population of 50,085 and 12,952 households (NSO, 2023).
99% of the households in the municipality have toilet. The 1 % of the households without toilet are using temporary pit. The municipality have a public toilet in a Taxi stand in Ilam Bazar. The public toilet was constructed by the municipality and operated by individual service provider. All of the households with access to toilet rely on onsite sanitation technologies. 55% of households have constructed an unlined pit. Similarly, 39% and 5% of the households have constructed lined tanks with impermeable wall and open bottom and fully lined tanks, respectively.
The SFD graphic shows that 40% of the excreta or faecal sludge generated are safely managed while 60% are unsafely managed. The safely managed Faecal Sludge (FS) generated by 39% of the population is temporary as this FS is only contained. So, once the containment gets filled and the FS from the containment is emptied, the percentage of unsafely managed FS would increase. The faecal sludge generated from 1% of the population is contained and safely treated in anaerobic biogas digesters.
ENPHO (2023). SFD (level 2) Report - Ilam Municipality, Nepal ENPHO
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report