SFD (Initial) Report - Lilongwe, Malawi University of Zambia (2024)

The capital city of Malawi, Lilongwe City, is situated in the Lilongwe river inland plains at the junction of the Namanthanga and Lilongwe rivers. The city is located in Lilongwe District which is found in the Central Region of the Republic of Malawi.

Lilongwe city had a population of 989,318 people as per the most recent census in 2018, which was 5.6% of Malawi's total population. As of 2018, there were 230,266 households in Lilongwe city, with 4.3 people on average per home (National Statistical Office, 2019).

The SFD graphic shows that 32% of the excreta generated are unsafely managed while 68% are safely managed. A majority of this FS (26%) comes from pit latrines, that are never emptied and are abandoned when full which are located in areas of low risk of groundwater contamination. The remaining percentage comes from FS contained in septic tanks which are not emptied. However, these containments will require emptying services in the short and medium term as they fill up.

Bibliographic information

University of Zambia (2024). SFD (Initial) Report - Lilongwe, Malawi University of Zambia

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Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report


SFD (Lite) Report - Lilongwe, Malawi

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SFD (Initial) Report - Lilongwe, Malawi

Published in: 2024
Pages: 40

University of Zambia

University of Zambia

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