Utilities driving citywide inclusive sanitation through onsite sanitation and sludge management in Zambia 24.01.2024 • 12:00 - 13:30 (CET)

Join us for an insightful webinar with Luapula Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LpWSC) and Lukanga Water and Sanitation Company Limited (LgWSC). Discover how these commercial utilities are driving Zambia's city-wide, inclusive sanitation agenda in line with SDG 6.2 targets. LgWSC, which operates in Central Province, and LpWSC, which serves Luapula Province, share their strategies for achieving universal access to sanitation by 2025. Both companies have extended their services to areas not connected to the sewerage network. Learn how LgWSC and LpWSC are implementing innovative solutions, such as scheduled pit latrine and septic tank emptying, to provide low-income communities with affordable access to sanitation services. The webinar will explore their respective sanitation strategies, focusing on on-site sanitation (OSS) and faecal sludge management (FSM). Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the utilities' efforts to restructure, rebrand and market themselves to promote citywide inclusive sanitation. Learn how they are working with government ministries, NGOs and other stakeholders to advance the Open Defecation Free Cities agenda.

French version:
[h]WEBINAIRE #04 : Assainissement inclusif urbain en Zambie - Promotion de l'assainissement autonome et la gestion des boues par les services publics[/h]

Rejoignez-nous pour un webinaire très instructif avec Luapula Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LpWSC) et Lukanga Water and Sanitation Company Limited (LgWSC). Découvrez comment ces sociétés commerciales de services publics pilotent le programme d'assainissement inclusif à l'échelle de la ville en Zambie, conformément aux cibles de l'ODD 6.2. LgWSC, qui opère dans la province centrale, et LpWSC, qui dessert la province de Luapula, partagent leurs stratégies pour atteindre l'accès universel à l'assainissement d'ici 2025. Les deux sociétés ont étendu leurs services aux zones non connectées au réseau d'égouts. Découvrez comment LgWSC et LpWSC mettent en œuvre des solutions innovantes, telles que la vidange programmée des latrines à fosse et des fosses septiques, afin de fournir aux communautés à faibles revenus un accès abordable aux services d'assainissement. Le webinaire explorera leurs stratégies d'assainissement respectives, en se concentrant sur l'assainissement autonome et la gestion des boues de vidange. Ne manquez pas cette occasion d'obtenir des informations précieuses sur les efforts déployés par les sociétés d'eau pour se restructurer, se donner une nouvelle image et se commercialiser afin de promouvoir un assainissement inclusif à l'échelle de la ville. Découvrez comment elles travaillent avec les ministères, les ONG et d'autres parties prenantes pour faire avancer l'agenda des villes sans défécation à l'air libre.

Utilities driving citywide inclusive sanitation through onsite sanitation and sludge management in Zambia


Hadi Toure Guindo holds a Master's degree from the University of Central Florida in Environmental Engineering and has worked for 5 years as a water engineer and project coordinator for the WaterWorX program in the water utility in Mali. She has also been actively involved in presentations, panels and moderating sessions during international conferences such as the UN water Conference, IRC WASH Symposium , GWOPA congress in Bonn and IWA congress and Exhibition. She is currently an IWA and Grundfos Youth Action for SDG6 fellow and has co-founded a social entreprise to perform action-based and participatory research on water quality in Mali. Nyonge Phiri is a Civil sand environmental Engineer with 20years experience in WASH. He has worked as Manager Sanitation Services for Lusaka Water supply and Sanitation Company, playing a pivotal role in the establishment of the OSS function which culminated into the formation of the FSM unit. He continues to play a leading role in the establishment of the OSS/FSM function at Lukanga Water Supply and Sanitation while working as director of Engineering. Golden Manyanga, a Chemical Engineer and WASH practitioner with 17 years of experience, has collaborated with notable NGOs such as Care International Zambia and USAID. He has also contributed to the success of 4 water utility companies in Zambia: Eastern, Lukanga, Chambeshi, and Luapula Water Supply & Sanitation Company. Recognized as a Certified National Community-Led Total Sanitation Coach, he played a pivotal role in Kaputa District achieving ODF status, marking the fifth district in Zambia to attain such recognition. Currently serving as the Senior Manager of Engineering at Luapula Water Supply and Sanitation, Golden leads the Citywide Inclusive Sanitation initiative focusing on Onsite Sanitation Systems and Faecal Sludge Management.

Further Information

Recording of Webinar#04 (EN)

Enregistrement du Webinaire#04 (FR)

More information on the webinar series

Forum discussion thread on the webinar series

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