“Introducing City Sanitation Plan: A Practitioners Manual” is a culmination of the long drawn process in introducing the importance of CSP for city development. It aims - to sensitize practitioners (key ULB level officials, decision makers, city engineers etc.) to the importance and significance of the CSP as a planning and guidance tool; to support them in understanding key concepts of the CSP preparation process in order to help them gauge the sanitation situation of their city / town better; and to help disseminate knowledge on CSP to other cities and states.
This Manual is thus the first stepping stone of the training programme and is meant to actively assist them during actual implementation of the CSP. It covers a wide spectrum of topics including introduction to technical requirements of sanitation systems, explaining the relationship between CSP and other urban planning tools like Master Plan and City Development Plan, explaining legal frameworks, capacities, financial management and other aspects essential for successful CSP implementation. If read together with the “Introducing City Sanitation Plans – A TOT Manual”, it will provide complete training guide thus allowing the practitioners to effectively pass on the knowledge they gain from this training program and sensitize other stakeholders from different cities and states.
Walther, D. (2016). Introducing City Sanitation Plan - SNUSP II Practitioner's Manual Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Urban (entire city)Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish
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