Sustainable Sanitation Design
SuSan Design
SuSan Design has achieved proving that this methodology has enormous potential and no bottle necks in terms of scale up. We have been able to produce a pathogen free volume from the excreta of 2000 people and we know that it can be done with excreta from 200.000 or even 20 million if the day comes that full return of nutrients today wasted are to be brought back to the land and not pollute the ground water, rivers and lakes of Uganda/Africa/Asia.
In cooperation with the National Agricultural Research Organization (Uganda) we have field tested the fertilizer value and it gave very good results of root structure, leaf size and bio mas production. This indicated that the product has value as fertilizer in addition to its soil improvement properties.
Food security and productive sanitationProduct design and engineeringSpecific to one or several countriesTreatment of wastewater or greywaterTreatment of faecal sludgeResource recovery Food security and productive sanitation (WG5)Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsOtherBill & Melinda Gates FoundationFaeces or faecal sludgeUrineFertiliserPrivate sector, including social enterprises
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