This grant supports BRAC’s WASH II program, operating in 250 upazilas (sub-districts) across Bangladesh, covering around half the country. The Foundation (BMGF) sought to reach at least 1.2 million persons with the funds it provided; as of December 2014, BRAC had reached over 4 million people with hygienic latrines through loans, grants and motivation. The project used a community-based integrated approach and also provided financial subsidies for the ultra-poor and loans for poor households. The project sought to increase sanitation coverage as well as sustaining it by strengthening demand, supply, finance, and enabling environment. Foundation-specific components included reaching the poorest; emptying pit latrines and producing organic compost from the composted waste; adoption of the approach by government and other NGOs, cost analysis (WashCost); and using smart phones for monitoring.
Market developmentRural areasCommunity sanitationPublic awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement Behaviour changePolitical processes and institutional aspectsSpecific to one or several countriesEmptying and transport (non sewered)Resource recovery Enabling environment and institutional strengtheningSustainable WASH in institutions and gender equality (WG7)Public awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement (WG9)Faecal sludge treatment processesBill & Melinda Gates FoundationPeri-urbanRuralUrban informal settlements (slums)PractitionersFertiliserLocal NGO
Project location