International WaterCentre
The International WaterCentre leads whole-of-water cycle, transdisciplinary and collaborative research activities, which address current and emerging water issues to influence water management and policy, education and leadership. Their research is designed to be empirical, problem based and to generate useful new knowledge.
Research themes include:
- Water, sanitation and hygiene
- Integrated water management
- Healthy river basins
- Sustainable urban communities
Capacity developmentTechnology comparisonsPublic awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement Operation, maintenance and sustainable servicesPolitical processes and institutional aspectsGlobalTreatment of wastewater or greywaterTreatment of faecal sludgeEnabling environment and institutional strengtheningCapacity development (WG1)Constructed wetlandsDecentralised wastewater treatment (e.g. DEWATS)Faecal sludge treatment processesOtherAustralian governmentOther funding source or unspecifiedUniversity, education or research institution
Project location