Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods
Since building Haiti’s first ecological sanitation (EcoSan) toilet in 2006 and Haiti’s first urban waste treatment facility in 2009, SOIL has gone on to become one of the largest sanitation providers in Haiti. SOIL provides public, shared, and private household UDDTs, and collects the waste for processing into agricultural-grade compost. Current research activities are focused on demonstrating the potential for a private-sector solution to providing sanitation services in impoverished communities and include best practices in EcoSan, thermophilic composting, and agricultural uses of compost. SOIL's full list of papers, conference presentations, and other resources are available here.
Sample projects include:
- Ecological sanitation in emergency contexts
- DNA Extraction from compost
- Market analysis for EcoSan compost
SOIL resources and publications
Discussion on Forum about container-based sanitation
Discussion on Forum about reuse activities
Discussion on Forum about BMGF grant for Standford University project re.source
Food security and productive sanitationCommunity sanitationOperation, maintenance and sustainable servicesSpecific to one or several countriesToilets or urinals (user interface)Emptying and transport (non sewered)Treatment of wastewater or greywaterResource recovery Food security and productive sanitation (WG5)Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsContainer based systems (CBS)Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Other funding source or unspecifiedFaeces or faecal sludgeUrban informal settlements (slums)PractitionersFertiliserLocal NGO
Project location