Activities relevant to sanitation (Objective 2):
Conduct community awareness on the importance of faecal sludge management in the 3 wards.
Establish 3 waste enterprises with select community members
Provide enterprises with soft loans to be returned by the project end (3 years) at the rate of inflation interest-rates
Support enterprises with training to establish and manage pit-emptying businesses
Design, contract and supervise the construction of 3 DEWATS for sludge treatment
Build the capacity of Temeke Municipality and DAWASA on sustainable management of faecal sludge through a private-public partnership for replication
Facilitate linkage between enterprises and Municipal loans for enterprises wishing to expand business
Connie Benjamin
Market developmentCitiesPublic awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement Operation, maintenance and sustainable servicesSpecific to one or several countriesEmptying and transport (non sewered)Treatment of faecal sludgeDecentralised wastewater treatment (e.g. DEWATS)Faecal sludge treatment processesOther funding source or unspecifiedUrban informal settlements (slums)International NGO
Tanzania United Republic of
Project location