University of KwaZulu-Natal
The importance of understanding the characteristics of faecal sludge is emphasised as an emerging issue of Faecal Sludge Management. The lack of standardisation complicates the transfer of knowledge and data between different regions and institutions as the results may not be comparable. The current situation raises the need to establish common methods and procedures adapted to faecal sludge through a collaboration between organisations with most extensive experience in this field.
Website of Pollution Research Group at UKZN
BMGF grant database (brief information)
Capacity developmentProduct design and engineeringGlobalEmptying and transport (non sewered)Treatment of faecal sludgeOtherSanitation systems and technology options (WG4)Faecal sludge treatment processesBill & Melinda Gates FoundationPractitionersUniversity, education or research institution
South Africa
Project location