Community toilets in the cities of Dhaka and Chittagong (Bangladesh) are showing serious signs of negligence and are not well managed. This innovative project is promoting a new era of public-private partnership and establishing a sustainable management model.
1. Construction of 1 toilet blockwith an inclusive design and handwashing facilities.
2. Renovation of 3 toilet blocks incorporate an inclusive design and handwashing facilities.
2. 12 hygiene behaviour awareness campaigns implemented amongst the toilet users and care takers.
3. 2 orientation meetings on sustainable toilet models held with local government and city council staff.
4. 4 trainings (one for each toilet block) on sustainable O&M for the management committee and care takers.
Connie Benjamin
CitiesCommunity sanitationPublic awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement Operation, maintenance and sustainable servicesHealth and hygieneSpecific to one or several countriesToilets or urinals (user interface)Other funding source or unspecifiedUrban (entire city)International NGO
Project location