Tokke Kutaye Woreda and Babich Town WASH project (Ethiopia) Improving access to WASH facilities in communities, schools and health facilities. Capacity building of the government woreda and town WASH teams for sustainability and scaling up of services. WaterAid,

Toke Kutaye and Babich WASH project is a three year (2015/16-17/18) initiative. WaterAid is implementing the project in Toke Kutaye Woreda (district), Chelia Woreda and Babich Town, all within West Shew Zone of Oromia Regional State.

WaterAid aims to improve community livelihoods by increasing access to safe water, improved sanitation, hygiene (WASH) and promoting community based water resource management (CBWRM) practices to ensure that WASH services sustainably last for years to come.

Major activities include provision of safe water supply, improved sanitation and hygiene facilities in communities, schools and health facilities. To ensure local ownership and the long-term sustainability of these investments, WaterAid is complementing hardware investments with hygiene promotion activities, strengthening of community management systems and capacitating the government’s Woreda and Town WASH Teams so that they are empowered to sustain the WASH services, and scale up best practices to other areas of Ethiopia.

More specifically activities include:

• Construction of gender segregated and inclusive latrines for Babich health centre.
• Construction of gender segregated and inclusive latrines at five schools.
• Establishment of WASH Centres (each including a public toilet, shower and a sanitation materials production and selling point) run by MSEs (micro and small enterprises).
• Training of WASH technicians, and provision of basic tools, for Operation and Maintenance of facilities.
• Construction of 2 reservoirs (one major reservoir and one booster station) for Babich town.
• Drilling of one borehole to be augmented to the town water supply system.
• Drilling of shallow wells in areas which cannot be served by the utility.
• Establishment of Health Centre water supply (supplied by the utility and including water storage at the Health Centre).
• Establishment of School water supplies (supplied by the utility).
• 4 springs developed and connected to the town water supply by gravity system.
• 4 springs developed to supply the community.
• Construction of community water points supplied by the gravity system.

Tokke Kutaye Woreda and Babich Town WASH project (Ethiopia)

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Capacity developmentRural areasCommunity sanitationOperation, maintenance and sustainable servicesHealth and hygieneSpecific to one or several countriesToilets or urinals (user interface)Enabling environment and institutional strengtheningOther funding source or unspecifiedRuralSchoolsOtherInternational NGO

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