Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology
ESRISS is a Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) funded research project at Sandec that dealt with the sanitation planning gap in Nile Delta villages which cannot be connected to large centralised treatment plants. The five-year research project (Mai 2010 - April 2015), in partnership with the Egyptian Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW), aimed at developing decision-making tools and strategies for the wide-scale replication of small-scale sanitation systems. ESRISS is coordinated by Philippe Reymond.
Project video:
This video highlights the sanitation situation in the rural areas of the Nile delta and how small-scale sanitation systems can contribute to increase sanitation coverage in the region.
Philippe Reymond
Christoph Lüthi
Capacity developmentTechnology comparisonsRural areasCommunity sanitationPublic awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement Operation, maintenance and sustainable servicesPolitical processes and institutional aspectsOtherSpecific to one or several countriesTreatment of wastewater or greywaterEnabling environment and institutional strengtheningBiogas systems Constructed wetlandsDecentralised wastewater treatment (e.g. DEWATS)OtherSwiss governmentGreywater or wastewaterRuralPoliticians and local decision makersPractitionersUniversity, education or research institution
Project location