Women Engage for a Common Future
In 2008, WECF launched the Empowerment and Local Action (ELA) Program with 29 partners from most EECCA countries and Afghanistan. The ELA program was designed to build the capacity of poor local communities in rural areas, citizens’ organisations, private sector, science and authorities to work in partnerships to contribute to a sustainable rural development, which leads to reduction of poverty in rural areas and increase gender equity.
The four key thematic areas of the ELA program were drinking water supply, sanitation (e.g. urine diverting dry toilets), sustainable agriculture, and energy saving and renewable energies, which had been integrated to form the basic thematic components of a sustainable rural development. Demonstration centers make the knowledge and practical experience available to the interested public. Through trainings, knowledge exchange, and in cooperation with Universities and partner organizations, WECF built the capacity of rural communities as well as of local NGOs, private sector and authorities to understand, apply, and propagate technologies in the four thematic areas, enhancing the capacity available in the WECF network at the same time.
Capacity developmentRural areasPublic awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement Political processes and institutional aspectsSpecific to one or several countriesEnabling environment and institutional strengtheningUrine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs) Other funding source or unspecifiedRuralPoliticians and local decision makersInternational NGO
AfghanistanArmeniaAzerbaijanBelarusGeorgiaHungaryKazakhstanKyrgyz RepublicMoldova Republic ofMontenegroNorth MacedoniaSlovakiaSloveniaTajikistanTurkmenistanUkraineUzbekistan
Project location