Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
In recent years the technical and financial cooperation between Benin and Germany and other partners have improved urban water supply. 85% of the population have now access to hygienically clean drinking water. On the other hand more than 30% of the population (1.8 million people) living in rural areas still lack access to safe drinking water.
Specific successful activities on sanitation in rural areas:
• Promotion of a test that allows the households themselves to test the quality of their drinking water and thus facilitates behavioral change
• Automatic chlorination of drinking water. As of July 2018 592 628 beneficiaries. Further chlorination systems are being established.
• Health Education conducted in 168 primary schools of 10 municipalites in combination with the establishment of separate latrines for boys and girls
Further activities concentrate on strategies and policies. Benin has established policies and strategies like the national policy on sanitation and hygiene (2013), the national strategy for rural sanitation and hygiene (2014), the national strategy on waste water management in urban areas (2007) and the national strategy to monitor the quality of the drinking water (2012). Several of these papers need updating to be in line with SDGs and recent institutional reforms. The GIZ supports these reforms and contributes to the revision of the documents with special emphasis on the quality of drinking water, behavioral change, gender aspects and the effects of climate change.
Helga Fink
Rural areasBehaviour changePolitical processes and institutional aspectsCities (WG6)Sustainable WASH in institutions and gender equality (WG7)Public awareness, advocacy and civil society engagement (WG9)German governmentSchools
Project location