Development of a continuous single chamber vermicomposting toilet with urine diversion for on-site application Buzie-Fru, C. (2010)

Human excreta continue to be a serious health burden in the developing world. Lack of context-relevant technical options is the main restricting factor in implementing viable sanitation schemes in most countries. In this thesis, a laboratory scale flow-through model reactor for the treatment of faecal matter by vermicomposting is presented. The system was setup to investigate conditions likely to be experienced in urine diverting dry (UDD) sanitation systems based on vertical loading, continuous-flow vermicomposting. In the test system, that was designed to utilize the feeding habits and reproductive cycles of the earthworm Eisenia foetida, faecal matter tainted with differently coloured non-biodegradable glass markers and fed continuously in thin layers to the upper part of the reactor flows down and subsequently comes in contact with upwardmigrating earthworms.

Bibliographic information

Buzie-Fru, C. (2010). Development of a continuous single chamber vermicomposting toilet with urine diversion for on-site application PhD thesis, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany

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Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toiletsCase studies in other formatsEnglish

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Development of a continuous single chamber vermicomposting toilet with urine diversion for on-site application

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Development of a continuous single chamber vermicomposting toilet with urine diversion for on-site application

Published in: 2010
Pages: 0

PhD thesis, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany

Buzie-Fru, C.

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Hamburg University of Technology, Institute of Wastewater Management and Water Protection

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