10 years ecosan club Ecosan Club (ed.) (2012)

EcoSan Club was founded on 20.02.2002 and is therefore celebrating its 10 year anniversary in 2012. We decided to devote issue 10 of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) to „10 Years EcoSan Club“ (so we actually have a double anniversary). The issue now comprises 3 articles which 1. tell the story behind EcoSan Club, 2. revisit implementation projects that EcoSan Club has been carried out during the last decade, and 3. summarize awareness raising activities of EcoSan Club. A brief history of the „origin“ of EcoSan Club Jung, H. During the years 2000 to 2002 a committed and radical (or even naive) group of engineers at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering at BOKU University was busy to collect the experiences of recent years that they had made in projects within the Austrian development cooperation (ÖEZA) and to challenge themselves: Water supply is not so bad but what about sanitation? Can it go on like this? If not - how should it go and what can we contribute? ++++++++ Looking back on implementation projects from the last 10 years Hierzegger, H., Lang, B., Jung, S., Wafler,M. The paper revisits 8 implementation projects carried out by EcoSan Club during the last 10 years. The projects are described and challenges and problems during the planning/design/implementation phases as well as the lessons learnt are discussed. ++++++++ A retrospective view on EcoSan Club´s awareness raising activities Muellegger, E. The main activities of the EcoSan Club are the promotion of Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) principles and provision of information. Over the last 10 years different awareness raising activities have been organised and coordinated. This paper provides an overview on these activities. One of the activities is SHIT HAPPENS, a series of events on EcoSan taking place since the year 2000. So fare 7 events have been organized. Another event was the exhibition “Sanitation is Dignity”, which had a stopover in Vienna, at the Campus of the University of Vienna in September 2007. Also different publications have been produced, like the “Sustainable Sanitation Practice” (SSP) journal. SSP is published quarterly since the fall of 2009 and provides high quality information on practical experiences with available sustainable sanitation systems. Besides the activities described in the articles a number of additional work has been carried out by EcoSan Club and its members during the last 10 years. The main activities have been the work in research projects and contributions to international organisations. The main research projects with EcoSan Club involvement have been: NETSSAF „Network for the development of sustainable approached for large scale implementation of sanitation in Africa“, Duration: June 2006 - November 2008; funded within the EU 6th Framework Programme, Sub-priority „Global Change and Ecosystems“ (see http://www.netssaf.net/). ++++++++ ROSA „Resource-Oriented Sanitation concepts for peri-urban areas in Africa“; Duration: October 2006 - March 2010; funded within the EU 6th Framework Programme, Sub-priority „Global Change and Ecosystems“ (see Issue 4 (July 2010) of SSP and http://rosa.boku.ac.at/). ++++++++ NASPA “Sustainable Sanitation – Practical Application”; Duration: February 2007 - July 2009; funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW). ++++++++ CLARA „Capacity-Linked water supply and sanitation improvement for Africa’s peri-urban and Rural Areas“; Duration: March 2011 - February 2014; funded within the EU 7th Framework Programme, Theme „Environment (including Climate Change)“ (see http://clara.boku.ac.at/).

Bibliographic information

Ecosan Club (ed.) (2012). 10 years ecosan club Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 10. EcoSan Club, Austria

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10  years ecosan club

Published in: 2012
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Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP), Issue 10. EcoSan Club, Austria

Ecosan Club (ed.)

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BOKU University, Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control

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