The upgraded family well How to construct Morgan, P. (2011)

Some years ago the government of Zimbabwe initiated a program where assistance was given to families who had taken their own initiative to dig and partly protect their own well. This was partly based on bacteriological evidence which revealed that improving the “head works” (the surrounding concrete apron, raised collar and lid and water run off) of a well greatly improved the quality of water withdrawn from the well and also made the well much safer for children. It also became widely accepted that sources of water owned by families, were far more readily and willingly maintained than those placed in communal settings. The technology chosen was simple, traditional and easily maintained – the rope and bucket. Even such simple systems could provide sufficient water for domestic use and many also to water vegetable gardens in the homestead.

Bibliographic information

Morgan, P. (2011). The upgraded family well How to construct Aquamor Pvt Ltd., Zimbabwe

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The upgraded familiy well

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The upgraded family well

Published in: 2011
Pages: 0

Aquamor Pvt Ltd., Zimbabwe

Morgan, P.

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