The EU Reference Document on Addressing Undernutrition in External Assistance seeks to help transform aid programmes so that they can achieve real progress in preventing undernutrition. It provides a detailed description of how nutrition benefits can be realised by modifying the design of programmes in all relevant sectors and thematic areas - from health to governance, food security to gender.
The publication provides an overview of the consequences of undernutrition, the scale of the problem and its causes and a detailed description of how nutrition benefits can be realised by adapting the design of programmes in all relevant sectors and thematic areas. Also, guidance on how nutrition concerns can be integrated throughout the various programming phases and for addressing nutrition through two broad categories of aid delivery methods: general/sector budget approaches and the project approach is provided.Blariaux, D. et al. (2011). Addressing undernutrition in external assistance An integrated approach through sectors and aid modalities European Commission, Germany, Ireland, France, Poland and the United Kingdom (doi:10.2783/51319)
WASH and nutrition (WG12)English