High waste-to-biomass conversion and efficient Salmonella spp. reduction using black soldier fly for waste recycling Lalander, C. H., Fidjeland, J., Diener, S., Eriksson, S., Vinneras, B. (2014)

The recycling of organic waste worldwide is not effective, which leads to water pollution and loss of potential crop fertilizers. Available resources have to be used more efficiently as the world population increases. An innovative solution is to use insects for the management of organic waste. Here, we used black soldier fly to convert organic waste into animal feed protein, as fly larvae, and plant fertilizer, as compost residue.
A continuous fly reactor was monitored for 9 weeks. Physicochemical and microbial parameters were analyzed, and the sanitary risk was evaluated. Results show 55.1% of material degradation and 11.8 % of biomass conversion based upon total solids. Higher levels of N and P in the treatment residue than in the inflow material were observed. Results also show a lower concentration of Salmonella spp. and viruses. Compost treatment with black soldier fly is therefore an efficient system for nutrient recycling.

The material degradation was 55.1 % and the waste-tobiomass conversion rate 11.8 % on a total solids basis in the continuous fly larvae composting system. Optimizing prepupal migration efficiency could increase the waste-to-biomass conversion rate. A large proportion of the nitrogen evaporated as ammonia: these losses can be kept low by condensing the outgoing air. Both the phosphorous and total ammonium nitrogen concentrations increased in the outflow material. The hygienic quality of the material was found to increase in the fly larvae treatment: the pathogen Salmonella spp. and viruses were reduced in the system, while the reduction of the other organisms studied was small or insignificant. Minimal retention time was found to be a key factor for pathogen reduction.

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Bibliographic information

Lalander, C. H., Fidjeland, J., Diener, S., Eriksson, S., Vinneras, B. (2014). High waste-to-biomass conversion and efficient Salmonella spp. reduction using black soldier fly for waste recycling Agronomy for Sustainable Development Vol. 35, Is. 1, pp. 261-271

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EnglishProtein for animal food

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High waste-to-biomass conversion and efficient Salmonella spp. reduction using black soldier fly for waste recycling

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High waste-to-biomass conversion and efficient Salmonella spp. reduction using black soldier fly for waste recycling

Published in: 2014
Pages: 11

Agronomy for Sustainable Development Vol. 35, Is. 1, pp. 261-271

Lalander, C. H., Fidjeland, J., Diener, S., Eriksson, S., Vinneras, B.

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