This paper systematizes the current situation and the experience of managing treatment plants wastewater in 6 localities of the municipality (Cliza, Retama, UcureƱa, San Isidro, Retama, Surumi y Huasacalle) at Cochabamba, Bolivia. Through this systematization, the need is identified with a model of sustainable management ensuring the functioning of the sanitation system throughout the jurisdiction of the Municipality, allowing studying and generating guidelines for the adoption of the model that suits their needs.
Furthermore, the document is aimed at all those stakeholders generally and specifically with other municipalities interested in the design and implementation of management models which are aimed at ensuring the sustainability of sanitation systems under an integrated approach to resource management, which not only seeks to implement technologies to avoid human contact with excreta, but considering the social acceptance of systems and excreta and wastewater as a valuable resource that can be reused for the benefit of the population and seeks to contribute positively to the environment.
DSSP (2014). Experiencia en Plantas de Tratamientos Residuales Municipio Cliza, Cochabamba (in Spanish) Experience on wastewater treatment plants in Cliza municipality, Cochabamba Decentralized Sustainable Sanitation Project (DSSP), Bolivia
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