Relatively little research has been conducted to date on farmer attitudes towards the use of fertilisers from resource–oriented sanitation systems. This study employed a psycho–sociological approach to identify factors that encourage, or discourage, negative and positive attitudes to human waste recycling among farmers in southern India. A survey involving face–to–face interviews was performed with 120 randomly sampled farmers, taking into account the following factors: gender, age, religion, caste, type of farming, farm size, annual income and farming history. Variations in variables (χ2 and ANOVA) were considered statistically significant if p–value was ificant factors among farmers with a negative attitude. Furthermore, the survey responses indicated that besides socio–demographic factors, other factors such as ‘trust’ might have to be taken into consideration when planning and implementing nutrient recycling programmes. Early dialogue, continuous interaction and integration of user stakeholders (producers and consumers) in conceptualisation, design and implementation of nutrient recycling programmes are essential to ensure future success and wider adoption.
Simha, P., et al. (2017). Farmer attitudes and perceptions to the re–use of fertiliser products from resource–oriented sanitation systems The case of Vellore, South India Elsevier
Faeces or faecal sludgeUrineCase studies in other formatsEnglishFertiliser
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