The Sanitation Steps for Flood-Prone Areas is a fun and interactive game that helps people living in flood-prone areas identify appropriate options to improve sanitation in their community. This activity was developed by Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) and CAWST. The document includes activity cards and facilitator instructions.
Sanitation Steps for Flood-Prone Areas (Offered in English, French and Spanish)
CAWST, EWB (2017). Sanitation Steps for Flood-Prone Areas (in English, French and Spanish) Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST), Calgary, Canada; Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Australia, Victoria, Australia
EducatorsEnglishFrenchSpanishGames and activities (adult learning)
Sanitation Steps for Flood-Prone Areas (Offered in English, French and Spanish)