This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a step-by-step guide for ULBs to institute a framework for on-site sanitation system management. This SOP conforms to the advisory note on septage management released by MoUD and draws from UMC’s experience of working with ULBs in Gujarat. It provides a set of written instructions on
septic tank construction, cleaning and maintenance and disposal of sludge in a concise format. The SOP
also contains a set of recording formats to help ULBs to document the number of septic tanks and
frequency of cleaning for better decision making.
Carried out under Performance Assessment System Project supported by CEPT University and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The document details on:
1. Background information on existing FSM practices in Gujarat
2. Scope, applicability, methodology of preparation of SOP and target audience
3. Standard Operating Procedure for integrated FSM
• Audit of on-site sanitation systems
• Guidance on construction of accepted OSS, routine O&M of OSS
• Preparation of service plan for scheduled emptying of septic tanks
• Capital infrastructure
• Customer service protocols
• Operating procedure for cleaning of septic tanks/soak pits
• Safe transport of fecal sludge to STP
• Treatment and disposal
UMC (2015). Standard Operating Procedures for Fecal Sludge Management for Municipalities in Gujarat Urban Management Centre, Ahmedabad, India under Performance Assessment System Project supported by CEPT University
Operation, maintenance and sustainable services (WG10)Faecal sludge treatment processesUrban (entire city)Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglishOtherTrainer manuals (adult learning)
Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.27 MB
Published in: 2015
Pages: 36
Urban Management Centre, Ahmedabad, India under Performance Assessment System Project supported by CEPT University
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