This framework for action was developed to support the inclusion of nutritional considerations in the design of water operations and to help formulate nutrition-enhancing water policy. Chronic undernutrition early in life can cause cognitive and physical impairments that prevent children from achieving their full potential and have lasting consequences on the human capital that is essential for economies of the future to be competitive.
We present an integrated water and nutrition framework to aid in understanding the various ways that water impacts early child nutrition, drawing on the three dimensions of water security: water quantity, adequate supply of water resources; water quality, water that is free of contamination; and water accessibility, reliable availability to all people, economies, and ecosystems. Each of these in turn affects the underlying drivers of poor nutrition outcomes in children: Water determines disease environments and therefore the ability to physically utilize nutrients for healthy growth; water impacts the supply of food and nutrients that people have access to in their homes; and water influences livelihoods, which indirectly affects nutrition through income, time use, and education of caregivers. Challenges associated with water-related conflict and water resources in the context of fragility cuts across each of the drivers of undernutrition.
Chase, C., Bahuguna, A., Chen, Y., Haque, S., Schulte, M. (2019). Water and Nutrition - A Framework for Action World Bank