Key documents on equity and inclusion for Discussion Forum category Various authors (2019)

In this library entry we have grouped together up to five documents that we think are important "first reading" materials for anyone wishing to obtain a quick overview of this topic. For more details, please see the external links to the discussion forum below.

The documents listed in this library entry in reverse chronological order already exist as individual library entries but have been grouped together here for the purpose of providing a quick overview.

Wilbur, J. and Jones, H. (2014) ‘Disability: Making CLTS Fully Inclusive’, Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights Issue 3, Brighton: IDS

WaterAid (2012) ‘Menstrual Hygiene Matters, A resource for improving menstrual hygiene around the world.’ UK.

Cavill, S., Mott, J. and Tyndale-Biscoe, P., with Bond, M., Huggett, C. and Wamera, E. (2018) ‘Engaging men and boys in sanitation and hygiene programmes’, Frontiers of CLTS: Innovations and Insights 11, Brighton: IDS

World Bank, ILO, WaterAid, and WHO (2019). Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers: An Initial Assessment. World Bank, Washington, DC.

Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council. (2019). ‘Equality and Non-Discrimination Handbook for CLTS Facilitators’. Geneva, Switzerland


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Bibliographic information

Various authors (2019). Key documents on equity and inclusion for Discussion Forum category Various publishers

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Recommended by SuSanA (other than SuSanA publications)JournalistsEnglishImport to Sanitation Workers PlatformHealth & SafetySocial securityHealth & SafetySocial security

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Disability: Making CLTS Fully Inclusive (2014)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 3.73 MB


Menstrual Hygiene Matters, A resource for improving menstrual hygiene around the world (2012)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 18.06 MB


Engaging men and boys in sanitation and hygiene programmes (2018)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.36 MB


Health, safety and dignity of sanitation workers An initial assessment (2019)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 5.04 MB


Equality and Non-Discrimination Handbook for CLTS Facilitators (2019)

Type: application/pdf
Size: 2.83 MB


Key documents on equity and inclusion for Discussion Forum category

Published in: 2019
Pages: 0

Various publishers

Various authors

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