My Garden Laboratory Experiments in technical approaches to rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene carried out in my garden and home and then in the world beyond Morgan, P. (2020)

There is something about being an experimenter and a scientist that never quite fades despite ones age or the fact that, as the years pass, as one gets older, the brain and the body never quite functions as efficiently as it used to do. Having been a student of Zoology in my early years and trained in the scientific method of a bygone era (1960’s) and later adapted to a completely different discipline, twice, the feeling of not finishing what one intended to do becomes stronger. There is an urge or at least an attempt to carry on, despite ones age or reduced physical energy and skills. With the technological era, the electronic world is upon us, it leaves those of us who had to think for ourselves, far behind. But in one sense, having to think for oneself with limited resources is a good thing. It leads to a lot of lateral thinking and deep thinking on the subject one chooses to study. And there is nothing to stop a self-imposed isolationist, which I profess to be, from holding views derived from the recollections of a long past and even writing what he or she may think. In this little book I have tried to put down my thoughts and those technical developments which I have played a part in developing. It has nothing to do with earlier studies in Zoology or the fishes of an African lake in Malawi, but studies made since I came to Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), namely technologies related reducing the spread of tropical disease, which date back to 1973. This book includes more recent studies made in the back yard when in my upper 70’s. It is very possible that such studies and developments will never see the light of day outside by garden laboratory, although they have been developed for use, or at least further trials, in this country of ours – Zimbabwe, and perhaps beyond.

Bibliographic information

Morgan, P. (2020). My Garden Laboratory Experiments in technical approaches to rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene carried out in my garden and home and then in the world beyond

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My Garden Laboratory by Peter Morgan

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My Garden Laboratory

Published in: 2020
Pages: 125


Morgan, P.

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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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