The SODIS method is a water disinfection method, making use of the sun’s energy and using PET bottles. It exploits the germicidal effect of solar radiation – especially UV-A radiation - on diarrhoea causing pathogens.
SODIS is recognized as one of several viable methods for household water treatment. It has been promoted, both as a stand-alone intervention and as one component in broader HWTS (Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage) or WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) programs. Different HWTS methods have existed for years (SODIS and iosand filtration), decades (chlorination and ceramic filtration) or even longer (boiling). New technologies are being eveloped and introduced into the market. And yet, the principle of water treatment at the household level is still not a mainstream practice. All common HWTS methods have disadvantages and have so far failed to achieve large scale uptake.
Eawag (2016). SODIS Manual Guidance on Solar Water Disinfection Eawag
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