Dissemination activities in Cambodia centred around a one-day Conference in Phnom Penh, followed by a one-day practical workshop. These took place on the 9th and 10th March, 2006. The objectives of dissemination were:
1. Distribution of the resource book and CD of “Water and sanitation for disabled people and other vulnerable groups: designing services to impaccessibility”. Fifty copies of the book and 30 CDs were distributed to participants and relevant agencies.
2. Advocacy – to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of improving accessibility for disabled people and vulnerable groups among the WATSAN and disability sectors,
3. Application – to encourage people to think about how they could apply or adapt the information and ideas presented at the Conference in their own work.
Jones, H. & Reed, B. (2005). Water and sanitation for disabled people and other vulnerable groups Report of Conference and Workshop in Cambodia WEDC
JournalistsPractitionersGuidelines and manualsEnglish
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