MHM Training of Trainers Manual WSSCC (2018)

This Manual has been developed for trainers of WASH and for health practitioners, to enable them to speak confidently about an issue that is regularly shrouded in silence, and which impacts upon women and girls health, education and livelihoods. The Manual includes a series of learning units (LUs), which are aimed at teaching practitioners how to improve menstrual hygiene for women and girls. It covers key aspects of menstrual hygiene in different settings and is based on examples of good menstrual hygiene practice from around the world.

Bibliographic information

WSSCC (2018). MHM Training of Trainers Manual WSSCC

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EnglishFrenchTrainer manuals (adult learning)Menstrual Health and Hygiene (MHH)

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MHM Training of Trainers Manual (English)

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MHM Training of Trainers Manual (French)

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MHM Training of Trainers Manual

Published in: 2018
Pages: 72



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Water Access and Sanitation Collaborative Council

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