Appropriate management of municipal solid waste is critical for public health and environmental pro tection. With denser settlement patterns, the chal lenge and threat becomes more acute. Managing biowaste with appropriate recycling strategies can reduce waste amounts by more than 50%, and create economic opportunities. Value products from biowaste include soil amendment and fertilizer, animal feed or a carbon neutral renewable source of energy. Biowaste management can also act as driving force for overall waste management when, for instance, the economic value of biowastederi vedproducts incentivizes waste collection or the new revenue opportunities enhance financial sustainability of the waste management system. The key to success is keeping the biowaste separate from other waste fractions and selecting appropriate treatment technologies that respond to market demand for waste derived value products.
Zurbrügg, C. (2017). Biowaste Management: The Key to Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management Eawag
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