The objective of the seminar was to enable anyone responsible for the sustainable operation of
on-site sanitation systems to find out about new developments in the field, and to share their
experience with counterparts from elsewhere in Southern Africa and the world.
The seminar was split across six sessions and ended with two field visits (hosted by eThekwini's
Water and Sanitation Department, EWS). The sessions ran as follows:
Session 1: What happens when the pit is full? A trillion dollar question, and an urgent one
Session 2: Inside the pit
Session 3: Getting what's inside outside
Session 5: Grasping the nettle – eThekwini's Pit Emptying Programme
Session 2: Inside the pit
Session 4: Mechanised emptying for SMMEs
Session 6: The sludge disposal issue
FSMA (2011). What Happens When the Pit is Full? - Seminar Report Developments in on-site Faecal Sludge Management (FSM) FSMA