Dehradun Nagar Nigam area1 is 100 km2. and has 100 wards with a population of 804,3792 (as of 2018). There are 167,577 households (HHs) (after municipal boundary expansion in 2018) within municipal boundary; this suggests the average household size in the city to be 5.
The output of the SFD graphic represents that 46% of the human excreta flow is attributed to be safely managed and the remaining 54% is unsafely managed. The unsafely managed excreta of 54% are contributed by offsite sanitation as well as onsite sanitation.
SCBP, NIUA (2022). SFD Lite Report – Dehradun, India SCBP, NIUA
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report