Pathways towards gender equality in and through humanitarian and transitional WASH assistance Sue Cavill (2025)

The discussion paper identifies quality criteria, recommendations for action and monitoring indicators on how gender-responsive WASH programs can be implemented effectively in humanitarian and transitional WASH assistance. It also presents practical examples that show how gender-responsive as well as gender-transformative measures are already being successfully implemented in the WASH sector.

The discussion paper is authored by the independent expert Sue Cavill. The development was accompanied by a working group of the German WASH Network. The paper is based on a review of existing studies, guidelines, standards and donor policies, an online survey in which 37 experts from the WASH sector participated, a focus group discussion with local practitioners from the Eastern Africa region, and interviews with 10 key informants from member organizations. In addition, 7 organizations contributed concrete case studies, which are presented in the document.

Bibliographic information

Sue Cavill (2025). Pathways towards gender equality in and through humanitarian and transitional WASH assistance German WASH Network

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Discussion Paper Gender & WASH

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Pathways towards gender equality in and through humanitarian and transitional WASH assistance

Published in: 2025
Pages: 30

German WASH Network

Sue Cavill

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German WASH Network

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