Capacity development Working Group 1

Leading Image
This working group aims to create a global network to accelerate and strategically influence capacity development to scale up sustainable sanitation.


There are gaps from national government and policy-level to the artisans building latrines. This is a global challenge for the WASH sector as show recent reports (WHO, 2014; IWA, 2014). Despite this, only one third of reporting countries have a human resources strategy in WASH (WHO, 2014). Thus, capacity development in the sanitation sector is urgently needed.

What is capacity development?

It is long term process which aims to increase an individual, organization, or society’s ability to achieve their objectives.



This working group aims to create a global network to strategically accelerate and influence the capacity development process in the sanitation sector.


Ways to get involved

The working group sees itself as a focal point and networking opportunity for anyone or any organisation which seeks to become active in capacity development for sustainable sanitation. As a SuSanA member, you are welcome to participate in the WG1 activities.

Sign-up for the WG mailing list to be updated on the most recent news and events. You can contact us to inquire or share thoughts on how you are able to lead or contribute to one of the following activities (or any activities you judge relevant and significant to the WG):


 WG1 4


Knowledge management and sharing

  • Compile and share resources that contribute to capacity development in sanitation on the SuSanA website
  • This includes training material, online curricula, trainer manuals and e-learning courses


  • Compile and share information on capacity development activities on the SuSanA webpage and forum
  • This includes training programs, courses, mentorships and student research projects


  • Provide a space to connect members and partners as well as anyone interested in capacity development
  • This includes providing a platform for members to coordinate their activities on the SuSanA forum or during SuSanA meetings

Learning Exchange 

  • Organize webinars and meetings with WG1 members and partners to exchange experiences and discuss specific topics related to capacity development


  • Analyse and map the gaps in capacity development resources and activities to highlight the needs and demands of the sanitation sector


  • As a credible, well-recognized organization play a role in raising awareness of the huge need for capacity building in sanitation
  • This includes the compilation of position papers and factsheets

Post from meleesa on 07.06.2023 Capacity development surveys Total Replies: 6 • Last reply from meleesa on 04.09.2023

Post from depinder on 26.07.2022 Global South Water, Waste Water and Sanitation - a CSE Initiative(GWWSI) Total Replies: 2 • Last reply from depinder on 11.08.2022

Post from depinder on 25.07.2022 Emerging Water, Waste Water and Sanitation Priorities and Review of Learning Collaterals : National Consultation India Total Replies: 1 • Last reply from depinder on 25.07.2022

Post from depinder on 30.03.2022 Capacity Development - Advanced Training Modules on Wastewater and FSSM Total Replies: 1 • Last reply from depinder on 30.03.2022

Kohler, L. & Spuhler, D. (2021) Papers to Practice
SuSanA Working Group 1

A series where we take important sanitation-related publications and break them down in 30 minutes, making them more accessible to busy professionals working to deliver inclusive, safely managed sanitation services globally. We sit with authors and ask them who should know about the paper and what are the key points […]

Spuhler, D., Kohler, L., Kapur, D., Volk, F., Staack, F., Ddieba, D., Sutter, F., van Soelen, S. (2021) Capacity development for sustainable sanitation
Factsheet of Working Group 1

This factsheet aims to provide the basics on what is capacity development. It highlights how considering the different levels, multiple topics, and stakeholders are inherent to success. It summarizes the main capacity gaps for SDG 6, and presents available instruments and resources to close this gap. The factsheet is intended to […]

Campbell, A. V. (2020) Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Rapid Assessment: Leh, India

LEDeG and BORDA have been working in partnership since 1987. Initially cooperation was focused on renewable energy projects which provided electricity to 67 villages through micro-hydro technology. The cooperation was later expanded to include a range of income generation activities such as food processing, handicrafts and food production. In recent […]

Campbell, A. V. (2020) Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM) Rapid Assessment: Godawari, Nepal

ENPHO and BORDA have been working in partnership since 2004 to improve living conditions and to protect natural resources and climatic conditions in inadequately served urban and peri-urban settlements in South Asia. Concentrated in the field of urban sanitation, key achievements include technical support and scaling up of Decentralized Wastewater […]

Tilley, Elizabeth et al. (2008) Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies (1st Edition)
(in English, French, Korean, Nepali, Spanish and Vietnamese)

The objective the Compendium is threefold: 1. Expose the Compendium user to a broad range of sanitation systems and innovative technologies; 2. Help the Compendium user understand and work with the system concept, i.e. the process of building a complete system, by iteratively choosing and linking appropriate technologies; 3. Describe and fairly present […]

Working Group Leads

Working Group Lead

Dorothee Spuhler
Eawag • Switzerland

Working Group Co-Lead

Laura Kohler
Red Cross • Canada




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