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Project database

Total results: 526

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2011 - 2013
University of Durham
Turning latrines into fly traps

To design traps that attract, capture and kill flies in latrines in an effort to reduce fly-transmitted diarrheal diseases.

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2011 - 2013
Brighton Development LLC
Self-sterilizing easy clean latrine mat and casting form

To develop a latrine mat made from self-sterilizing plastic that can be filled with concrete and set in place to provide a permanent antimicrobial surface for traditional squat latrines

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2011 - 2015
University of Rochester
Development of superhydrophobic surfaces for sanitation solutions

The superhydrophobic material will repel wastes and collect clean water with virtually no external energy needed.

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2011 - 2012
Ghana Sustainable Aid Project
Prototype microflush-biofil toilet facilities

To develop and field test in Ghana a prototype toilet facility that incorporates a digester to decompose waste along with a microflush valve that uses minimal amounts of grey water from hand washing.

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2011 - 2014
American Environmental Systems Inc.
Photoactive silicones for self-cleaning and antimicrobial sanitary units

Aim is to develop and disseminate unique, cost effective, self-cleaning, durable, and antimicrobial coatings applicable to non-piped and minimal-water sanitation projects for both the urban and rural poor.

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2011 - 2013
University of Texas - Pan American
Novel spray paints for self-decontaminating latrine coatings

To develop spray paints that will exhibit synergic properties by integrating the individual nanocomponents, realizing full potential of latrine coatings in terms of self-decontaminating performance.

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2011 - 2012
Retina Pharma Inc
Lotus throne: A self-cleaning solution to sanitation

Testing UV-resistant super-water-repellent silica as a coating for toilets, which could reduce the amount of water needed to clean the toilets after use and improve the surface sanitation of the toilets.

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2011 - 2012
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Lego-like bricks made of bio-composites for pit latrines

Development of a fully biodegradable brick in the “Lego-like” shape for building pit latrines. Large-scale tests are being conducted in Brazil and Ethiopia.

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2011 - 2012
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
Latrine training mat

To design a children’s latrine training mat made from easy-to-clean plastic that fits over an existing latrine hole in an effort to promote good sanitation practices and foster a life-long habit of latrine use.

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2011 - 2015
Fundación In Terris
Earth auger toilet: Innovation in waterless sanitation

To develop several prototypes of a mechanised, pedal-operated, low-cost, easy-to-use, odourless urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT).

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2011 - 2017
Asian Institute of Technology »
Sustainable decentralized wastewater management in developing countries: design, operation, and monitoring

Reinventing innovative decentralized systems and technologies for full or partial treatment, and disposal of human excreta and wastewater from dwellings and businesses in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

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2011 - 2015
Beijing Sunnybreeze Technologies Inc
Fecal sludge extraction and disposal system in situ

Disposal of human waste in situ by an column-like facility; evaporating liquid from raw sewage powered by solar-thermal energy; removing pathogens by raising temperature over 140C

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2011 - 2014
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Vortex bioreactors for the processing of fecal sludge and waste water

Sterilizing pathogen contaminated water through bringing a destructive agent (e.g. a fully recyclable copper-alginate bead) into intense contact with the microbial fraction

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2011 - 2016
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
New concepts for on-site sanitation based on bio-additives and pit design

The project assesses the potential of modern biotechnology to deliver effective bio-additives which can accelerate decomposition processes and extend the lifetime of pit latrines.

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2011 - 2015
University of Toronto
Unit operations approach for rapid disinfection of human waste based on drying/smoldering of solid and sand filtration/UV disinfection of liquid waste (Toronto Toilet)

Household scale wastewater treatment plant through sanitizing feces within 24 hours through mechanical dehydration and smoldering and sanitizing urine through membrane filtration and ultraviolet disinfection.

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2011 - 2015
Rice University
Solar steam sterilizer for treatment of human waste

Light-absorbing nanoparticles dispersed in water and illuminated by sunlight produce steam that is used to treat human excreta.

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2011 - 2014
Oklahoma State University Foundation
Shear extrusion to treat fecal waste (viscous heating effect on deactivation of helminth eggs)

To develop a small-scale device in which an auger forces feces and other solid wastes device through a die that results in high temperatures and pressure that dewaters the waste and destroys microorganisms.

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2011 - 2013
Sewage containment and mineralization device (SeCoM)

To develop a fully autonomous, low maintenance, micro-sanitation and water re-purification system that will mineralize the organic matter from a single defecation and repurify the urine and flush water by entirely physical (non-microbial) processes.

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2011 - 2018
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
Self-contained, PV-powered domestic toilet and wastewater treatment system

Solar-powered electrochemical wastewater treatment system with recycle of the treated water back into the toilet flushing system.

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2011 - 2013
New Life International
Overcoming a strategic roadblock to idealized sanitation

The project works with Injection Molding Techniques. It will create an inherently low friction

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2011 - 2012
AI3D (Alianza para la innovación en integridad de infraestructura y ductos A.C)
Mobile waste to liquid fuels conversion plants

The goal of this project is to design and construct a small-scale waste treatment plant for faecal sludge and municipal solid waste mixtures based on plasma gasification

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2011 - 2013
University of California Santa Barbara
Microorganisms with semiconducting membranes

Introducing artificial molecular wires into the membranes of microbes within a waste treatment system as a way to break down organic contaminants and catalytically convert the metabolic energy in those microbes into electrical energy.

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2011 - 2012
Texas A&M University
Hybrid microbial-electrochemical system for waste utilization

A self-sustainable system for simultaneous wastewater treatment and electricity/biogas generation. A microbial fuel cell (MFC) generates electricity to power a microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) system to produce biogas.

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2011 - 2017
RTI International »
Electrochemical disinfection with integrated biomass oven for solid waste processing and energy harvesting

Developing a fully integrated toilet system that combines electrochemical disinfection technology for liquid waste processing and recovery, with a revolutionary new biomass energy conversion unit.

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2011 - 2013
Duke University
Effective sewage sanitation with low CO2 footprint

Provide proof of concept of anaerobic digestion coupled with heat sterilization for a self-sanitizing system for developing communities.

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    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
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    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
  • 21-03-2024Tabeer Riaz:
    Empowering Young Women Water Professionals in South Asia: Leading the Wave of Change »

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