The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) for Health (W4H) Program has put together a comprehensive package of materials for you to use in your communication sessions. These materials have been developed to help you change WASH behaviours in your communities. The following is a list of the types of materials contained in the WASH for Health Communication Package. Materials have been developed for the following three behaviours and responsibilities:
1. Build, use and maintain your household latrine properly
2. Wash your hands with soap under running water before eating and after defecating
3. Treat, store and fetch your drinking water safely
Global Communities (2017). WASH for Health Communication Package Brief Designed with Extension Workers for Extension Workers to Use in Communities to Change Behaviour Global Communities, Accra, Ghana
EnglishGames and activities (adult learning)Import to Sanitation Workers PlatformHealth & SafetyHealth & Safety