The 31st SuSanA meeting - the second time online - took place from August 16th to August 20th 2021. It was organised by the SuSana Secretariat with support and contributions from SuSanA Partners, Members, Working Groups and Regional Chapters.
The SuSanA Meeting usually takes place back-to-back to the Stockholm WWWeek, which was cancelled due to COVID-19 last year and will take place online this year. And - just as last year - SuSanA is offering a virtual platform for meetings and exchange. But there is also one more new thing about this meeting: The regional chapters hosted stepping-stone sessions that reflected on specific sanitation related topics or challenges from the regions prior to the week from 16th to 20th of August!
31st SuSanA Meeting Sessions:
Monday, 16th of August 2021
1. Opening Plenary - 2:00 - 3:30 pm CEST
Session outline
- Introduction - Sareen Malik (SuSanA Africa Chapter)
- Welcome and Ice Breaker - Lourdes Valenzuela, Laura Kohler (Meeting Planning Comittee)
- Welcome Address - Marc Andre Bünzli (SDC)
- Keynote: The African Sanitation Policy Guidelines - Comfort Kanshio (AMCOW)
- Keynote: Safe resource recovery - managing microbial hazards of wastewater reuse systems - Annika Nordin (SLU)
- Thematic Input - „Wastewater, Sanitation and Ecosystems“ - Teresa Goverse (UNEP)
- Thematic Input - Decolonization Rubayat Khan (Jeeon)
- Sanitation Hygiene Fund Update- Sue Coates (SHF)
- Updates from SuSanA Secretariat - Shobana Srinivasan, Finn Staack (SuSanA Secretariat)
- Update CMTF and Invite for the Session - Francis de los Reyes III (CMTF)
- Q/A - Moderated by Sareen Malik (SuSanA Africa Chapter)
- Overview of the Week & Closing Words - Arne Panesar (SuSanA Secretariat), Madeleine Fogde (SEI)
Find the session presentation here.
2. Experiences on Monitoring SDGs 6.3 - 4:00-5:30 pm CEST
Session outline:
The objective of this session was to discuss the status of art of the process of monitoring the Sustainable Development Goal 6.3. Presenters and participants were engaged in a facilitated exchange on recent developments, initiatives and methodologies for collecting data and track progress in municipal, country and regional levels.
Florian Thevenon from the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) was invited to present updates on definitions, methodologies and global progress of indicator 6.3.1.
Participants contributed with experiences from their own work and country’s perspectives.
Find the session presentation here.
Tuesday, 17th of August 2021
3. Sanitation Workers - 9:00-10:30 am CEST
Session outline
- Global Advocacy for Health, Safety and Dignity of sanitation workers, Joint Initiative by WaterAid, SNV, Worldbank, ILO and WHO
- Garima- Odisha state government's scheme for sanitation workers, G. Mathi Vathanan, Principal Secretary, HUDD, Odisha government, India
- PASA's role in empowerment of sanitation workers, Eva Muhia, the vice-president of PASA
- Panel Discussion and Interactive live polling
Find the presentation of the session here.
4. Part 1: Papers to Practice - 2.00-2.45 pm CEST
Session outline
Papers to Practice is a series where we take important sanitation publications and break them down in 20 minutes. We ask the author directly who should know about the publication or research and what are the key points so that professionals and practitioners working in sanitation can put these papers to practice!. In this live sessions we have invited Suraja Raj, Associate Director for Research Projects at the Center for Global Safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene at Emory University to talk about “The SaniPath Exposure Assessment Tool: A quantitative approach for assessing exposure to fecal contamination through multiple pathways in low resource urban settlements”.
Find the presentation of the session here.
Part 2: WG1 Meeting: Capacity Development 2.45-3.30 pm CEST
Session outline
- What is SuSanA and Working Group 1 on Capacity development
- Updates from the network
- Capacity development and the COVID19 pandemic – what can we learn and how does the future look. (Interactive session)
Find the presentation of the session here.
5. Walking the talk - Professional Women Taking Action - 4:00-5:30 pm CEST
Session outline
Welcome note: Maren Heuvels, GIZ
Keynote: Ambassador Dr. Mary Mbiro Khimulu
Presentation by Co-Convenors: Ulrike Kelm, WWSN and Barbara Senkewe, AWSPN
Interactive Panel Discussion
Facilitator: Barbara Senkewe, AWSPN
- Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President WfWP
- Lincy Paravanethu, Secretary WWSN
- Diana Nkasha Makwaba, Managing Director of Nkana Water Supply and Sanitation Company Ltd (NWSC)
- Shreya Chakraborty, Executive Director SaciWATERs
- Analia Gomez Vidal, Red de Politologas/Arizona State University
Find the presentation of the session here.
Wednesday, 18th of August 2021
6. How can we ensure that the sludge reaches the treatment plant? - Enabling the private sector to create resilient cities?- 9:00-10:30 am CEST
Session outline
- Welcome & Introduction by Tim Fettback, Hafencity University
- Gaps & Challenges in the FS Emptying & Transportation sector – Collected learnings by Ajith Edathoot, Urban Waters
- Current & Ongoing efforts in addressing challenges by Peter Khamisi, Pan African Association of Sanitation Actors
- Open Discussion Forum, Moderated by Stefan Reuter, SuSanA Working Group 10 Lead
- Concluding Remarks
7. FSM Highlights - 2:00-3:30 pm CEST
Session outline
- Introduction – Christoph Lüthi, Eawag
- FSM6 Highlights – Jennifer Williams, FSMA
- 3 x Participants perspectives -Asia-Africa
- Panel Discussion and Q/A
Find the presentation of the session here.
8. FSM in Latin America - 4:00-5:30 pm CEST
Session outline
- Opening message
- Present a summary
- Question and answer space with participants
- Closure of the session
Introduction and close by Lourdes Valenzuela
Summary of the experiences in FSM in Latin-American Region by Tomaz Kipnis
Find the presentation of the session here.
Thursday, 19th of August 2021
9. Safe reopening of Schools – Global experiences - 9:00-10:30 am CEST
Session outline
- Welcome to the WG and short round of introduction by Bella Monse, WG 7 Co-lead
- Updates within the WASH in Schools landscape Introduction of Global WinS Network (upcoming activities, website launch) by WinS Network secretariat
- Fit for School – Africa initiative Introduction followed by Q&A by Tina Kanathinagoda
- Hygiene and Behavior Change Coalition: Support for Safe reopening of Schools Introduction followed by Q&A by Marge Lim, GIZ Manila
- Updates from WG 7 members: Brief input from participants and suggestions for WG 7activities by Bella Monse
Find the presentation of the session here.
10. Building Climate Resilience towards Sanitation and Hygiene- 2:00-3:30 pm CEST
Session outline
- Present a framework to understand the impact of climate hazards on sanitation access and rioriti based on gender, age, location, and more.
- Present case studies to unpack rural sanitation rioritization during and after disaster
- Discuss ways to build community resilience to climate shocks and stresses
- Introduction by Finn Staack and Petra Bongartz
- Climate change and rural sanitation: How do we start? – Dr. Jeremy Kohlitz and Ruhil Iyer
- Is emergency sanitation management gender sensitive? – Prof. Deepthi Wickramsinghe
- Droughts and doubts: Has sanitation gained enough attention in drought situations? – Dr. Devanmini Halwathura
11. Behaviour Change for COVID19 Response and Social Outcomes - 4:00-5:30 pm CEST
Session outline
- Welcome, objectives and agenda - Dr Om Prasad Gautam, Co-lead, SuSanA Behaviour Change Working Group-13
- Hand Hygiene for All Initiatives and its one-year progress - Ms Janita Bartell, UNICEF
- Multi-country Hygiene Response to COVID19: learnings from scale operations and evaluation - Dr Om Prasad Gautam, WaterAid
- HBCC initiative in multiple countries and its key achievements - Ms Lisa Rudge, FCDO, UK
- COVID19 Hygiene Hub and its one-year progress - Dr Robert Dreibelbis, LSHTM
- Annual Think Tank event on hand hygiene and key recommendations from the event - Ms Aarin Palomares, Global Handwashing Partnership
- Reviewing literature on gender and social equality impacts of WASH interventions: insights for behavioural change - Dr Biljana Macura, SEI
- Question and Answer and Discussion
Focus of the discussion: “Changing behaviours for generations” - Dr Sarah Dickin, Co-lead, SuSanA Behaviour Change Working Group-13
Collaborators: SuSanA Behaviour Change Working Group 13, WaterAid, SEI, WHO/UNICEF – hand hygiene for all initiative, FCDO, LSHTM/Hygiene Hub, Global Handwashing Partnership.
Find the presentation of the session here.
Friday, 20th of August 2021
12. Entrepreneurs Working on Solutions for Urine-recycling - 9:00-10:00 am CEST
Session outline
Most nutrients entering sanitation systems come from urine and a separate urine handling and reuse could bring several advantages. However the large urine volume, bad smells and clogging of pipes are some of the challenges that have prevented separate urine handling from reaching a larger scale. In this session three entrepreneurs from Sweden, France and Guatemala present their solutions to facilitate urine recycling in different contexts.
- Linus Dagerskog SEI - Introduction and moderation
- Robert Cossette, ORIAZ Solar-Dripper (France)
- Jenna Senecal, Sanitation360 (Sweden)
- Raluca Anisie, Mosan (Guatemala)
Find the presentation of the session here.
13. Feedback on the CMTF-Process - SuSanA 2.0 - 2:00-3:30 pm CEST
In 2019, the Core Group appointed a Change Management Task Force (CMTF), a group of volunteers that is representative of SuSanA stakeholders, to study and propose a new organizational structure for the SuSanA of the future – SuSanA 2.0. Over the last two years, the CMTF, along with organizational development consultants and in consultation with key stakeholders, has worked to develop the major outline of this new organizational structure.
14. Closing Session - 4:00-5:30 pm CEST
The closing session will include a reflection of the SuSanA31-Meeting-week, a presentation of the highlights and closing remarks, but also an outlook and a discussion on the way forward towards SuSanA 2.0.
Stepping-Stone Sessions prior to the 31st SuSanA Meeting
22nd of June - India Chapter
The first stepping stone session was organised by the SuSanA Indian chapter and focused on How can SuSanA contribute to COVID 19 as well as on the Future of SuSanA Indian Chapter.
6th of July - SuSanA Latin America
The second session, organised by SuSanA Latin America, focused on WASH related challenges during the COVID – 19 pandemic and responses from different countries in South America.
13th of July - SuSanA African Chapter
The third stepping stone session by the African Chapter discussed on the chapter’s operational development, governance and its growth in the region along with future activities.