This publication is the background article to one of the case stories in the SuSanA case story collection “Making WASH in Schools more Sustainable” (Vol II.). It has been selected as one of the focus case stories on monitoring under the umbrella of the SuSanA Working Group 7 on school sanitation.
The project "School Sanitation in Underserved Urban Areas in India" has shown that in the selected cities across India school sanitation is mainly not a matter of money or technology, but a matter of commitment and accountability.
Jaritz, H. et al. (2015). School Sanitation in Underserved Urban Areas in India Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Publications by SuSanASustainable WASH in institutions and gender equality (WG7)Publications by SuSanAPeri-urbanSchoolsUrban (entire city)English