Safe access to water and sanitation is an issue of global concern and a challenge posed through national policy as a human right to achieve the benefit of these basic services for all Bolivians.
Thanks to that approach, progress has been made significant achievements in increasing households today have improved their quality of life with water supply and sanitation services in their households. In spite of this significant development challenges remain regarding the quality and efficiency of services for their own sustainability. From this perspective, it is vitally important to generate more knowledge on water and sanitation in favor of complementary sanitation options because with these innovative actions based on successful experiences are promoted and, above all, it contributes to the achievement of assigned goals.
Decentralized Sustainable Sanitation system (DSS) is a new model of ecological sanitation to promote social, economic and environmental benefits and they are able to ensure the sustainability of their services. In this issue of the REUSSO magazine innovative approaches and alternative technologies are shared; interviews, reports, inquiries and articles In which the contributions and benefits of Sustainable Sanitation Decentralized are described and highlighted, which are implemented through ecological dry toilets modules and technologies for decentralized wastewater treatment plants, incorporating elements of the value chain of sanitation service in order to promote reuse resources in the water treatment systems and organic waste, as well as to influence the exchange of information and knowledge for sanitation.
SNV is pleased to present the third issue of the specialized Sanitation REUSSO magazine, a means for the dissemination, reflection, research and exchange of experiences, focused on knowledge generation.
SNV (2015). Reusso Sustainable Sanitation, Organic Solutions (year 2, Nº 3) Decentralized Sustainable Sanitation Project (DSSP), Bolivia