Mokhada is located at the foot of the Deccan Trap system. The soil is made of early Eocene basalt layers of volcanic origin. Igneous soils such as basalt are usually productive in terms of aquifer as they have a double storage capacity – they are porous due to the nature of the stone and they are cracked due to the structure of the rock formation. They have a good porosity and a high transmissivity. In the Indian context where there is a heavy rainy season and a long dry and hot season, these aquifers are quickly recharged during the monsoon and water can easily be reached during the dry season.
The sanitation assessment is a pilot project to assess the sanitation situation in 3 targeted villages- Palsunda, Vikaswadi and Saturly, followed by supporting these villages with interventions that focus on improving their sanitation situation. As per the terms of reference received from Aquassistance, the organization undertook sanitation assessment in 3 villages and 2 hamlets of Mokhada block. The survey was conducted using triangulation of both quantitative and qualitative study designs (focus group discussions and key informant interviews). Apart from mapping available toilets and needs for sanitation, the assessment also included a “barrier and enhancer” analysis on sanitation.
The objective of the study was to identify barriers and enabling factors regarding behaviour change needed to switch from OD to toilet use.
Fight Hunger Foundation, Aqua Assistance (2017). Sanitation Assessment of Palsunda, Vikaswadi and Saturly Villages of Mokhada block, Palghar district, Maharashtra, India Fight Hunger Foundation, Aqua Assistance