The Event Report of 2018’s Emergency Environmental Health Forum, which took place in Berlin, summarises all the presentations, keynote speeches, panel discussions and recent key findings from practice and academia. New research and innovations in the sanitation sector were presented and approaches elaborated that aim at bridging knowledge silos between WASH and other humanitarian sectors. The report features Parliamentary State Secretary Norbert Barthle’s welcome speech who emphasised that in order to foster and provide sustainable sanitation also in emergency situations, development cooperation and humanitarian assistance have to work closer together. The event was hosted by the German WASH Network in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) at GIZ. Its findings and the dedication to the topic by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development represent major advances for the sanitation sector and its intersection with emergency aid
GIZ, LSHTM (2018). Emergency Environmental Health Forum 2018 Event Report GIZ, LSHTM, and German WASH Network.
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