The one day Conference held on 9th March 2006 was entitled “Water and sanitation for disabled people and other vulnerable groups: improving access and inclusion.”
The purpose of the conference was to introduce the issues and problems of accessing and using WATSAN services and facilities for disabled people and other vulnerable groups, including solutions and examples of good practice for making WATSAN facilities more accessible and inclusive in Cambodia.
By the end of the conference, participants would be expected to have a better understanding of:
• The problems facing disabled people, elderly people and other vulnerable groups in accessing water and sanitation,
• Challenges facing the WATSAN sector in serving vulnerable groups, and
• Possible solutions to address these issues in Cambodia.
Participants were from a wide range of relevant organisations, including WATSAN sector professionals, disabled people’s organisations and disability service providers, and organisations representing or working with other socially excluded groups, e.g. women, poor farmers.
The following documents were produced as a result of the Conference
Jones, H., Reed, B. (2005). Water and Sanitation for Disabled People and Other Vulnerable Groups Report of Conference and Workshop in Cambodia WEDC
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