Odagaon is a town and Notified area council (geographical coordinates as 20°00'57.65"N 84°59'15.70"E) in the Nayagarh district of Odisha, India. It is around 100km away from the capital city of Bhubaneswar. As per Census of India, 2011, Odagaon Urban has the population of 5,401 with 1,240 households. As nearby rural areas have been included in new jurisdiction boundary, the population as of 2011 as by the Odagaon Notified Area Council (NAC) is 11,941 with 2,758 households. Current data from NAC shows that the population has been increased to 15,800 with 3,420 households. The current population has been used for the preparation of this SFD lite report. The Urban Local Body (ULB) has a total of 15 wards which is being administered by NAC for the provision of civic facilities. The total area under the jurisdiction is 15.14 sq. km. The NAC has been declared by ODF+ in 2020.
The outcome of the SFD graphic shows that 65% of the excreta flow is classified as ‘safely managed’, and the remaining 35% is classified as unsafely managed. The unsafely managed excreta originate from Faecal Sludge (FS) - not contained, not emptied (12%), Supernatant (SN) not delivered to treatment (8%), FS not delivered to treatment (9%), Wastewater (WW) not delivered to treatment (5%) and open defecation (2%). The safely managed excreta originate from FS contained - not emptied (31%) and FS delivered to treatment and treated (34%).
(2021). SFD (Lite) Report - Odagaon, India CSE
Politicians and local decision makersPractitionersEnglishSFD Report