Sidhauli is a town and a Nagar Panchayat in Sitapur District in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is a crowded town situated near Lucknow. The Sidhauli city is divided into 14 wards. The Gomti River flows through the town.
As per Census 2011, Sidhiauli has a population of 24,976 residing in 4,153 households. The population of the city, as per Swachh Survekshan (country wide annual ranking mechanism for cities with respect to sanitation) conducted in 2019 and the Service Level Benchmark, 2019 for 14th Finance Commission, is 30,9761. This population is used for the preparation of the SFD graphic. The urban local body governing the town is Sidhauli Nagar Panchayat (SNP). SNP has an administrative area of 12 which is divided into 14 wards. The density of the city is 4,594 people per which is high in comparison to state density of 2,081 people per
The geographical coordinates of Sidhauli are 27.6° and 28.6° north latitude and 80.34° and 81.30° east longitudes. The topography of Sidhauli is plain and Terai lowlands at the base of the Himalayas, with rivers and lush green vegetation.The average rainfall is 952 mm. Temperature rises to 40°C and drops to 19°C. The soil type is alluvial (Khadar + Bangar) with occasional gravel and boulder. Table 1 shows the population growth in Sidhauli in the past two decades.
Kumar, N. (2020). SFD Lite Report - Sidhauli, India CSE
EnglishSFD Report