
University of Essex

The University of Essex is one of the UK's leading academic institutions. Founded in 1964 when it opened its doors to a cohort of just 122 students at Wivenhoe Park in Colchester, the University has grown in both reputation and size, developing a worldwide reputation for top quality teaching and research. There are now more than 10,000 students, studying at three campuses across Essex. Academic departments span the humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, and law and management. Essex is the UK's most internationally diverse campus university, with students drawn from 142 countries.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5429

UKZN University of KwaZulu-Natal

The University of KwaZulu-Natal was formed on 1 January 2004 as a result of the merger between the University of Durban-Westville and the University of Natal. The new university brings together the rich histories of both the former Universities. VISION: To be the premier university of African scholarship. MISSION: A truly South African university that is academically excellent, innovative in research, critically engaged with society and demographically representative, redressing the disadvantages, inequities and imbalances of the past.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9324

AI Athena Infonomics

Athena Infonomics is a data-driven global consultancy. We combine social science research methods and ICT tools to drive innovation in policies, processes and programs in international development. Athena Infonomics has offices in India and Washington, D.C., alongside program hubs across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Athena Infonomics has worked extensively in South Asia and East Africa in design and delivering new generation programmes on data ecosystem strengthening and WASH. Supported by an active network of distinguished industry veterans, policy makers, academicians and intellectuals, the team at Athena consists of a diverse mixture of educational and professional backgrounds from engineering, management, economics, statistics and development from some of the top educational institutions in the world. Athena distinguishes itself through an unflinching dedication to leveraging cutting-edge research methods and […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4804

USP University of São Paulo

The University of Sao Paulo (USP) is the largest institution dedicated to higher education and research in Brazil. A large part of the Brazilian masters and PhDs receive their training here. This website will tell you a little more about our structure, application procedures and the services we offer to students from abroad.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6000


“Vent-Choir” is a combination of two words, means, to work in a unique way to establishes cultural dialogue between the choir (The Skilled Group) and the general people. Established in Oct. 2003, VENT-CHOIR is a Non Government Organization is registered under societies registration act XXI of 1860 which has been involving itself for the betterment and Upliftment of the people belonging to low socio-economic status, especially for the welfare of children in age group of 0-5 years. Through its day-to-day developmental initiatives, it has established itself a common platform of discussion for the people from urban setup in general and people from rural setup particularly by focusing its attention on major thrust area of development sector such as Environment, Cultural, Education, Health, STD/HIV/AIDS and Children suffering […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6832

SaniTronics International BV

Specialized in self cleaning toilets and urinals and or showers. Also in emergency toilets and closed circuit systems for handling black water back to drinking water.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6008

TREND Group Training, Research and Networking for Development (TREND)

Training, Research and Networking for Development (TREND) Group is a resource group that has been highly relevant, and operate as a key Resource Centre in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector of Ghana. TREND is dedicated to becoming an empowered and self-renewing WASH centre that has the capacity of meeting the national challenge of ensuring sustainable water and sanitation services delivery to all. TREND Group is committed to capacity building for the delivery and sustainable management of water, environment, sanitation and hygiene services in Ghana, particularly to the majority of people who live in rural areas and low-income urban areas. TREND's activities have not only focused on Ghana but the Anglophone West African sub-region as well.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5032


AGUATUYA develops and implements water and sanitation services for peri urban areas in Bolivia by: i) facilitating access to services, ii) providing technical support and iii) developing appropriate technologies.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9900

Hering International

HERING has over 30 years of experience in the field of construction, operating sanitation facilities and prefabricated concrete structures. HERING has established a production workshop for high quality sanitation facilities with the aim to provide the South African community with these superior facilities. With this knowledge HERING has developed prefabricated sanitation solutions which offer maximum creativity, functionality and longevity. The long term plan is to create a sustainable business in South Africa which will create jobs and transfer different skills.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7070

UPB Universidad Privada Boliviana

The Bolivian Private University (UPB) is an educational foundation characterized by its commitment to academic excellence, quality management, ethics, sustainable development, competitiveness and free enterprise. UPB was conceived with the mission of training professionals to contribute to the development of Bolivia, internationally competitive and with distinctive characteristics. All activities are aimed at meeting the needs of the business sector and society, as well as the training of entrepreneurial leaders committed to the development of the country, capable of identifying and taking advantage of the potential of Bolivia. Its mission is focused on the creation, adaptation and use of knowledge through research. In this sense, the university has 12 centers focused on research in the sectors of industrial production, agricultural production, economy, computer systems, optics, energy, […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3996

Eawag Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology

Eawag is a world-leading aquatic research institute. Its research, which is driven by the needs of society, provides the basis for innovative approaches and technologies in the water sector. Through close collaboration with experts from industry, government and professional associations, Eawag plays an important bridging role between theory and practice, allowing new scientific insights to be rapidly implemented.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 11637

Appropriate Technology

Development magazine focussing on ideas, policies and practices which help to alleviate poverty and hunger.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 6569

CIUD Centre for Integrated Urban Development

CIUD is an NGO working on urban issues, and thriving towards developing livable cities. At present we are working with 7 municipalities and projects are spread over 4 districts of Nepal. Urban development, Water and Sanitation (WASH), Solid Waste Management and Rainwater Harvesting are the present project CIUD is undertaking.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9775

IPStar B.V.

IPSTAR is the technology transfer agent for the European Space Agency MELiSSA research program. The acronym MELiSSA is short for 'Micro-Ecological Life Support Alternative' and is a development program of a microbiological and horticultural plant based closed loop ecosystem. The system is used for regenerative life support systems for long-term space missions to lunar bases or flights to Mars. IPStar’s mission is to stimulate and facilitate the commercialization of primarily know-how and intellectual property generated within the MELiSSA consortium consisting of an international group of renowned universities and institutes and to enhance and foster linkages between the MELiSSA research community and industry.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5829

Femme Femme International

Femme International uses education and distribution to provide access to information and reusable products, to tackle myths and stigma, and to empower menstruators every day of the month.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 3220

EcoLoo AB

EcoLoo AB is a Swedish GREEN innovation company. We develop, build and market unique & patented innovations and environmental solutions. Our patent-pending toilet solution is sustainable, odor-free, maintenace-free, consumes no energy nor water. The end product is fertilizer.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8173


Sanergy builds healthy, prosperous communities by making hygienic sanitation affordable and accessible throughout Africa's informal settlements.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10018

WSA Water and Sanitation for Africa

Water and Sanitation for Africa (WSA), formerly known as CREPA is the French name of the Organisation Eau et Assainissement pour l’Afrique (EAA). WSA/EAA is a Pan-African Intergovernmental Agency devoted to increasing accelerated access to water and sanitation for vulnerable populations in Africa with a vision of: ‘Water and Sanitation for all, forever in a prosperous Africa”. WSA/EAA is an interstate not-for-profit organization, which was established 22 years ago. It currently operates in 23 West and Central African countries with its headquarters located in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. It is a uniquely African organization that is devoted to seeking homegrown solutions to the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) challenges on the continent. Our mandate is to support member states in developing and implementing their […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 17860


Peepoople AB is a Swedish registered company, founded in 2006, producing and distributing Peepoo. Peepoo is a self-sanitising, biodegradable and single use toilet. Peepoo is invented by Professor Anders Wilhelmson and developed together with research teams from Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). The mission of Peepoople is that all people who so desire shall have access to dignified and hygienic sanitation, with a long-term goal to reach 150 million people daily. The company has four focus areas: urban slums, schools, emergencies and refugee/IDP camps. Customers and partners to Peepoople, mainly international aid organisations, have implemented the Peepoos sanitation system i emergency camps since 2010. Peepoople Kenya is a registered non-for-profit organisation in Kenya, with office situated in Kibera, […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9109

ENPHO-Nepal Environment and Public Health Organization

ENPHO is a service-oriented national Non Governmental Organization, established in 1990 that envisages contributing in sustainable community development by combining research and actions through the integrated programs in the environment and public health areas. ENPHO at present runs a government accredited laboratory for environmental monitoring and analysis and is actively involved in promoting eco-friendly technologies such as SODIS, Ecosan toilets and waste water treatment through reed bed systems.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10357



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