
SSG Sanitation Solutions Group

Sanitation Solutions Group (SSG) is an independent social enterprise whose objective is to provide affordable sanitation products and services to households and communities in Uganda with the aim of achieving city-wide and district wide scale. SSG provides business development support, marketing, management consulting, and market/field testing services to sanitation businesses and organisations with the aim of scaling up the provision of affordable products and services that will impact at scale through commercially viable supply chains.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7244

KWRwater KWR water

Bridging Science to Practice is KWRs motto. Our researchers work at the interface of science, business and society. Their strength lies in their translation of scientific knowledge into applicable, practical solutions for end-users in the Dutch and international water sector. We have built a solid reputation as top-level innovation accelerators and international network builders, and increasingly play a coordinating role in national and international collaborations. Our shareholders are the ten Dutch water companies and the Belgian De Watergroep. Water is the basis of life. It is essential for nature, people, food production and economic development. In our water-wise world research program we work on the optimal organization and management of the whole water cycle, with a circular economy as a key driver and the […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1164


GOAL is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to alleviating the suffering of the poorest of the poor. We are a non-denominational, non-governmental and non-political organisation. GOAL was founded in Dublin in 1977 by former sports journalist and former Chief Executive, John O’Shea. Since its inception, GOAL has spent in excess of €720 million on humanitarian programmes in more than 50 countries. Over 2,800 GOALies and many thousands of local staff have worked in the developing world on GOAL’s behalf and the organisation has responded to every major humanitarian disaster since 1977. GOAL currently has in excess of 100 GOALies based in 13 countries: Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, India, Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Sierra Leone, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7876

AWSPN-ZC African Women Sanitation Professionals Network- Zambia Chapter

The African Women Sanitation Professionals Network- Zambia Chapter (AWSPN-ZC) was formally established in September, 2020. The Zambia-Chapter is part of the African Network that is being formalized in Kenya. The network aims to transform how women professionals participate in the sector and work towards tackling barriers to result in their inclusion in leadership roles. The goal of the AWSPN-ZC is to equip and advance the number and prominence of women in the sanitation sector, enabling them to assume strategic roles beyond being users of sanitation services. This will be achieved through the following objectives: a) Establishment of a Zambia Chapter of the African Women Sanitation Professionals Network and facilitating networking, coordination and mobilization of women in the sector b) Function as a resource reservoir for potential professional sector-based […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1670

CWS Center for Water and Sanitation, CRDF, CEPT University

CEPT is a University for Planning, Environment, Development, Human Habitat & Technology. CEPT, an autonomous institution was established in the year 1972. Since 1994 CEPT has been registered as a separate society & a Public Trust. Through an act of Govt. of Gujarat in April 2005, CEPT has been conferred the status of University.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 10811

VcA Viva con Agua

Viva con Agua pays special attention to Container Based Sanitation / composting toilets. To strengthen WASH systems, we foster Sanitation Marketing Groups and promote WASH-related Social Business. That enables people to change their roles from user groups to customers and producers and increase their responsibility for a successful outcome of WASH activities. It sets examples that promote trust and entrepreneurial spirit of other local stakeholders.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1320

SOIL Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods

Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL) is a 501(c)3 US-based non-profit organization dedicated to protecting soil resources, empowering communities and transforming wastes into resources in Haiti. SOIL promotes integrated approaches to the problems of poverty, poor public health, agricultural productivity, and environmental destruction. SOIL has been working in some of the poorest areas in Haiti since 2006 to facilitate the community-identified priority of ecological sanitation (EcoSan), where human wastes are converted into valuable fertilizer. EcoSan simultaneously tackles some of Haiti’s toughest challenges – providing improved sanitation to millions of people who would otherwise have no access to a toilet and producing thousands of gallons of fertilizer a week which is critical for agriculture and reforestation.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8123

VSB Voice of South Bangladesh

Voice of South Bangladesh is a non-government, non-political and voluntary organization. The organisation is working in a climate change affected area of Bangladesh. Immediate after cyclone Sidr in 2007 and Aila in 2009 the website of Voice of South Bangladesh (VoSB) published news on sanitation vulnerabilities due to the above-mentioned disasters in Bangladesh as knowledge sharing activities. The organisation is a partner organisation of Horizontal Learning Program- a Union Parishad (local government institute) led peer-to-peer learning initiative facilitated by the Government of Bangladesh and supported by development partners. Under this program, VoSB is advocating and campaigning to improve sanitation services through inspiring local government institutes. Awareness-raising about improved sanitation among target groups is a regular programme of VoSB VoSB is going to organise a programme with local government […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 5908

R4D Results for Development

Results for Development Institute (R4D) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to unlock solutions to tough development challenges that are preventing people in low and middle income countries from realizing their full potential. We work across multiple sectors - including education, health, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), market dynamics, and governance. In WASH we are working to support promising development approaches in Africa and India by connecting them to the people and resources they need to grow. Working with in-country partners, the R4D WASH team is focused on finding and promoting the most effective, demand-driven, and sustainable solutions to the enduring challenge of providing WASH services to the poor.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 4998

DTF Devolution Trust Fund

Devolution Trust Fund (DTF) - is a financing institution (basket fund) which facilitates the implementation of sustainable water and sanitation supply services by commercial utilities especially for the urban poor in Zambia. Since start of its operation in 2003, all together 823,000 people have been supplied with water and 15,000 people will be supplied with sustainable sanitation service by the end of 2011. The DTF is supported financially by the Government of Zambia, KfW, EU and DANIDA. To see their current activities visit the DTF website.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8764

CfID Centre for Integrated Development

CfID is a multidisciplinary resource group consultancy organization initiated in 2004. It is formed by collaboration of professionals from Planning, Engineering and Development fields. CfID works towards integrated use of technology, process and systems in development of social and physical infrastructure for elevating the quality of life; through consultancy, implementation, research and education with special focus on Disaster Management, Water-Environment-Sanitation (WES), and Infrastructure & Services.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8203

INTI Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industria

El Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI) fue creado mediante el Decreto Ley 17.138 del 27 de diciembre de 1957, en el marco del surgimiento de un conjunto de instituciones nacionales destinadas a poner en movimiento, de manera planificada, la inversión pública, la ciencia y la tecnología. Sus primeros laboratorios se ubicaron en el Parque Tecnológico Miguelete en un predio de 19 hectáreas en el Partido de General San Martín, provincia de Buenos Aires, en el que hoy se concentran una treintena de centros, además de áreas administrativas y de soporte. Hoy el INTI está presente con Centros Regionales y Multipropósito en todo el país, que generan investigación y desarrollo en red, con el fin de acompañar e impulsar el crecimiento industrial de cada provincia. Esa […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7190

Bipoba Bipoba Yema

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1210


EcoSolutions is an international consultancy providing services in health, water, sanitation and environment. Innovating in sanitation since 1994. Developed ecological sanitation in India and Sri Lanka. Implementation of over 2000 urine-diverting composting and dehydrating toilets in a range of projects and programmes. Advocacy work with Indian, Sri Lankan and Bangladesh governments for ecological and sustainable sanitation approaches. Available for Advocacy work, Training, Project Software and Hardware Design and Implementation. Field Office: Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7233

WSUP Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor

In the next 5 seconds, the world’s urban population will increase by 10 people, and they all need decent water and sanitation. This puts huge pressure on city service agencies. In response, we focus on developing commercially viable models to help water utilities and municipal authorities reach all citizens in their city with improved water and sanitation. As a multi-sector partnership, we offer a creative package of expertise from private sector, NGOs and academia to achieve this. Our mission is to improve the lives of the urban poor in developing countries by strengthening the capacity of service providers and others to provide sustainable water and sanitation services, promote good hygiene and raise the health and environmental standards of the community.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7706

NIH National Institute of Health Islamabad

Responsible / founder for the newly developed national WHO reference centre of Environmental Health Protection Unit in the country. Responsible for the technical activities related to water safety & Sanitation development, management tasks, strengthening, governance & policy, water & sanitation, monitoring the water quality parameters and operational support to the EHPU of Public Health Division, National Institute of Health Islamabad. Responsible for standards setting, protocols, legislation on environmental risk factors, health surveillance, corrective and mitigation actions, capacity building at provincial, district and union council level, public awareness and advocacy, environmental health information on sanitation network and data bank etc. Responsible for Public / Community Health related activities, i.e. Planning, implementation, Water & Sanitation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Indicators, Analysis and Progress Reporting etc)

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 9528

Critical Practices LLC

Critical Practices LLC (CP) is a USA based organisation that provides services for design and implementation of sustainable technologies. The EarthAuger UDDT has been the result of 13 years of development by CP. The goal was to have a toilet that could: - Be installed inside a house and remove treated solids and liquids from the house, while avoiding smells and flies - Create usable end products - Operate effectively without water or power As the originator of the EarthAuger design, Critical Practices manufactures and distributes the technology, provides technical expertise, and trains local partners in construction and sanitation best practices.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 7718

BSPL Basic Sanitations Pvt. Ltd.

Basic Sanitations Pvt. Ltd. (BSPL) is a professionally managed, socially responsible leading sanitation company, incorporated under The Indian Companies Act 1956 in the year 2001 for providing environment-friendly sanitation products and services. Today our company offers high quality cutting edge sustainable sanitation products, crafted out of best quality raw materials, at highly competitive prices. Basic Sanitations has footprint all over the country. We have been continuously making innovations in creating user friendly sanitation products. Our Mobile Toilets, Bio- Digester, Portable Toilets, Showers, Urinals etc. are crafted out of best quality materials such as long lasting fiber glass, mild steel section and plywood. The concept was pioneered by our company specializing in sustainable sanitation solutions. These are designed to meet the sanitation needs of urban as […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8570


Dasra recognizes an urgent need for inspired and uncompromising competence to touch and transform the lives of 800 million Indians. Through knowledge creation, capacity building, collaboration and fundraising, we nurture powerful partnerships with funders and social enterprises to bring social change. Since 1999, Dasra has engaged with over 3,000 corporates, foundations and philanthropists and improved the life chances of over 10 million people. One of Dasra's major areas of focus is sanitation and we're creating partnerships to build a sustainable sanitation ecosystem in India.

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 8061

UP United Purpose

UPs WASH work has historically been rooted in its robust community-focused WASH interventions, and UP has strong expertise in areas of rural water supply infrastructure and maintenance, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) and our innovative approaches for behaviour change in our WASH in Schools work. Since 2012 (when we started tracking these metrics across the organisation), UPs WASH programming has increased access to basic drinking water supply services for 1.4 million people, supported 11,800 villages to become Open Defecation Free - ODF (and helped create the first ODF local government authority area in Nigeria), and has improved WASH facilities and practices in over 2,500 schools. We have developed an innovative financing model for rural water supply maintenance. Beyond such community-focused programming, in recent years, UP is increasingly […]

Online since: 01.01.1970
Views: 1224



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