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Daniela Krahl of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) has said that: “The water strategy of our Ministry is seen as a model because it addresses the spirit of the SDGs in a holistic manner, thus going beyond SDG 6. That is what we need today and that is why I like the excreta flow diagram. It brings people from different spheres together to understand a …

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Through expert consultations, the JMP has developed core questions for monitoring water, sanitation and hygiene at home, schools and health centres. The document contains core and expanded indicators related and specific to MHM and infrastructure in schools.

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In developing the framework for provision and regulation of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Services (RWSS), the National Water and Sanitation Council of Zambia (NWASCO) was mandated to facilitate and coordinate the consultative process under the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection (MWDSEP).

The objective of this publication is to assist in the creation of …

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FLUSH is a documentary film raising awareness of what happens to bodily waste in America, and a growing movement to change the way we think about “waste,” premiering in honor of World Toilet Day.

Raise awareness of World Toilet Day and theme “wastewater,” engage “developed” countries in a conversation about broader sanitation themes and question the wisdom of water-based toilets, …

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The Event Report of 2018’s Emergency Environmental Health Forum, which took place in Berlin, summarises all the presentations, keynote speeches, panel discussions and recent key findings from practice and academia. New research and innovations in the sanitation sector were presented and approaches elaborated that aim at bridging knowledge silos between WASH and other humanitarian sectors. The …

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The 21st meeting of the UK’s Sanitation Community of Practice was held on the 19th of April at the University of Leeds. The aim for the day was to engage participants in considering the links between human excreta management, solid waste management, and surface water drainage, as critical aspects of citywide environmental sanitation.

As well as the traditional SanCoP focus, contributions …

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Asia and the Pacific SDG Progress Report 2017 is an assessment of the progress towards the SDG targets in Asia and the Pacific and its subregions. Drawing on the analysis of 66 indicators (60 global SDG indicators and 6 proxy indicators) the report forecasts likely progress by 2030 and identifies areas where greater effort is needed.

The assessment of progress contained in this report is …

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The 8th Emergency Environmental Health Forum (EEHF) event was hosted by the German WASH Network in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) at GIZ. The aim of the 2018 EEHF is:
- To share new research and learning
- To discuss new approaches and innovation in the sector
- To bridge silos between WASH and other humanitarian sectors
- To identify …

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FSM4 was held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, where the State Government has recently initiated measures to address FSM with regard to policy, regulatory changes, innovative solutions, and pilots. FSM4 focused on innovative and practical solutions that can be scaled up, including three tracks: research, case studies, and industry & exhibition.

Below you find the presentations held in track 3: Industry …

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The high population density of the cities does not allow families to safely abandon onsite sanitation facilities. This creates a need for a sanitation service chain to safely manage feacal waste. Hence, Shit/Excreta Flow Diagrams (SFD) are being developed as an analysis tool, which illustrates excreta pathways along the sanitation service chain in a city. The main objective of this study is to …

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The SFD Promotion Initiative has been working over the past year to develop a consistent method and the tools for producing excreta flow diagrams, the SFD (also called Shit Flow Diagrams). SFD is a powerful visualization tool that summarizes and presents excreta flows from containment (user interface) to their final destination in a given city. The Initiative was introduced to the broader …

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This presentation was held at the 39th WEDC conference in Kumasi, Ghana in July 2016 by the SFD Promotion Initiative. The objective of the session was to introduce the tools available for SFD production and to guide participants through the process of creating an SFD.

The presentation contains information on:

- The SFD Promotion Initiative
- What is an SFD?
- Methodology for data …

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Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is one of world's most populated cities. ‘Dhaka City’ is defined in this report as the areas under the jurisdiction of the two Dhaka City Corporations. They cover an approximate area of 120 sq. km and house a population of 6.8 million people. The number of open defecators is low (less than 1%), but a majority of the city’s excreta is discharged into the …

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Lima the capital of Peru and the third largest city in Latin America covering an area of 2,700 km2. Metropolitan Lima consists of the Province of Lima and the Constitutional Province of Callao and is located in a coastal desert. Approximately one third of Peru’s population live in Metropolitan Lima. It has an estimated population of 9,904,727. 92% of the excreta from the population of Lima is …

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Hawassa is the capital of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People’s Region in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Central Statistical Agency estimates that the population of Hawassa is 351,469 and it has an annual population growth rate of 4%. 100% of the population is reliant on onsite sanitation. The most popular sanitation technology being semi-lined pits (56%). Although the SFD shows that 75% of …

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Tirupati is situated in Chittoor district in the southern of the state of Andhra Pradesh with a total population of just under 375,000. The town is a pilgrimage center and attracts a total diurnal floating population of about 55,000. During religious festivals the diurnal floating population exceeds 100,000. In Tirupati it was estimated that 70% of excreta is managed safely while 30% of the …

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Presentación para LATINOSAN: Conferencia Latinoamericana de Saneamiento


•Introducción SuSanA
•Antecedentes en saneamiento urbano
•Introducción del enfoque SFDs
•La metodología y herramientas
•Experiencias con los SFDs
•Perspectivas futuras

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Danang is located at the South Central Coast of Vietnam. It is the fourth most populated city in the country with approximately 1,007,400 inhabitants in 2014 (GSO 2015). The total land area of the city is 1,285 km2, including 65 km2 of residential area (GSO 2015). Sixty-two percent (62%) of the excreta flow was classified as unsafe management along the sanitation service chain (containment, …

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Khulna is located in the south-western part of Bangladesh, with a population of 1.5 million and a total area of 46 km2. Its National policy and strategy documents encourage both NGOs and the private sector to actively engage in providing sanitation services. However, the SFD assessment has shown that 100% of the excreta in Khulna is not contained and therefore unsafely managed.

The Shit Flow …

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Nakuru is the fourth largest town in Kenya, lying within the Rift Valley and covering an area of 290 km2. Less than 30% of the population is served by the sewerage network, while the majority of the population use onsite sanitation services, predominantly in the form of basic or traditional pit latrines. Formal emptying services for fecal sludge has limited coverage, with the fecal sludge removed …

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The city of Nashik is located in the northwest of the state of Maharashtra in the Western Ghats at the source of the Godavari River. As per Census 2011 Nashik has a total population of just under 1.5 Million. In Nashik it was estimated that 85% of excreta is managed safely while 15% of the excreta ends up directly in the environment without adequate treatment.

This Shit Flow Diagram (SFD) …

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Kumasi is the second largest city in Ghana and lies in the Ashanti Region in the south of the country (Adarkwa, 2011). The city covers approximately 254 sq. km. It has an approximately population of 2.7 million with an annual growth rate of 5.5% (City Population, 2015, World Bank, 2008). A high percentage of the population of Kumasi is reliant on public toilets that are properly regulated by KMA …

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Srikakulam is located in the state of Andhra Pradesh and is an important administrative and commercial center. The population of city is 133,911 persons. Lack of sewerage network, sewage treatment plant, malfunctioning septic tanks and pits as well as open defection are the causes of excreta being unsafely managed.

Date of production: 31/07/2015
Last update: 25/08/2015

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Cuttack lies in the east coast plains of India; it is the capital and one of the oldest cities of Odisha. Population of the city reaches 606,007 persons, who are mainly dependent on malfunctioning septic tanks and pits. Only 32% of faecal sludge and wastewater is safely managed.

Date of production: 28/07/2015
Last update: 25/08/2015

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Aizawl is the capital of Mizoram State located in the east of the Himalayan region of India. The density of the city, 2,823 persons per sq. km, is higher compared to state average, 52 persons per sq. km. 92% of the city depend on onsite sanitation systems and 8% of the city on offsite systems. There is no wastewater treatment leading to unsafe management of faecal sludge and wastewater.

Date …

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    Bridging Borders: The Role of Climate-Resilient Sanitation in Global Peace and Sustainability »
  • 22-07-2024Andy Narracott:
    Breaking the Myths: Common Misconceptions About Safely Managed Sanitation »
  • 05-07-2024Lourdes Valenzuela:
    Brasilia June 2024: SIRWASH Dialogues: Public Policies for Economic Accessibility to Rural Water and Sanitation Services in the Context of Latin American and Caribbean Countries »
  • 11-06-2024 Ann Thomas:
    Nature Calls – why sanitation is the logical starting point for fighting climate change »
  • 07-05-2024Jeremy Kohlitz,Kaiea Ribanataake Awira,Ngaouea Neemia:
    Can Kiritimati become a model circular economy society? Water and sanitation as potential entry points »
  • 26-03-2024Alice Brandt ,Mascha Kaddori:
    Let’s get wild: Water, sanitation and hygiene at the human-wildlife interface »
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Shit flow diagrams, excreta flow diagrams (310 SFDs worldwide)

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